Good Morning Everyone  ,

If like me you’ve been Hooked on the BBC programme springwatch , you may  have been spending some time doing some more research into what the birds we have in our gardens are prefering to eat at this time of year . It is quite a fascinating subject once you look into it . All sort of kitchen scraps can be utilised to feed the birds, Apples that are past their best , cheese, those mixed dried fruits you’ve had since christmas !

We have been selling oodles of suet blocks & mealworms at the moment  , as the parents are frantically busy feeding their babies !! Of course the suet is extremely high energy  , so they would not necessarily be feeding babies with this  , but theirselves , as they will be using up to a third more of their energy while rearing the young chicks.

So, if you’d like to find out a bit more about bird species , follow the link .

Have fun 🙂